WE all remember how Gollum talked to himself, don't we? We do.
My "spiritual" self sits within and beside my worldly, political self. It's a volatile serenity that I seek. So which ever one is currently making life unbearable, the other might console and heal. I live for that strife, the kind that comes from the unfinished business of truth, turned inside and out. Occasionally peace is a fine thing too , albeit rarer and so found less in my own voice than in the conversation of friends.@rajanaka
"The fever never breaks, it holds the key to the portal wherein the fire kindles and waits." When Kali and Shiva meet demons they are dispatched in short order. When they contend with themselves and with each other in love, the fever reaches its pitch and their fires blaze anew.
We live in times reminiscent of the loathsome Richard, determined as he is to bring the rest of us to his level of discontent.
"Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity"
#profdbrk #rajanaka
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