In Sanskrit the word "kavi," the “poet,” is derived from the verbal root /ku, “to speak." Abhinavagupta in Dhvanyaloka 1.1L, tells us that “poetry must be spoken” (cf., Ingalls Translation, p. 59). Elsewhere Ksiravamin (cf., AK 2.7.5) derives the word precisely as Abhinava does here: … “One is called a poet because he speaks, he describes” (3.43bL, footnote 10, p. 657). To be a poet is to be heard. Speak up, Poets. All of you. #rajanakajarata
Though the sky is filled with drunken clouds
and the woods with arjunas thrashing in the downpour,
these black nights too when the moon has lost its pride
carry off my heart (Ingalls, 2.1dL, p 211).
Though the sky is filled with drunken clouds
and the woods with arjunas thrashing in the downpour,
these black nights too when the moon has lost its pride
carry off my heart (Ingalls, 2.1dL, p 211).
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